Actually Letting Go

Recently I did a beautiful meditation again led by Sarah Blondin on the Insight Timer app.  The intention of the session was to visualize us detaching from things that don’t always serve us like limiting beliefs, stale values, old narratives we’ve retold throughout our lives, relationships or conditioned ways of operating…all of the supposed to’s, the could have’s or would have’s.  Extracting these things can seem like a heroic (and impossible!) feat – but this visualization brought it within arm’s reach for me….imagine the freedom in being able to detach from old attachments that might have once served us but don’t continue to serve us anymore.

I often spend my days on the shoreline of my experiences and existence. I bask in the sunlight and lay on the warm sand.  I know this shoreline well, it’s crooks and crevices, the slight dips or sandy dunes…this shoreline is home to me.  Here on this shoreline lies all of the things I am used to, my place of comfort and familiarity; my judgements, expectations, idols and memories. 

 On the shoreline, I always keep a protective eye on the basket I carry around with me everyday; that in which I’ve collected precious seashells, people, beliefs and understandings throughout my years of life; from childhood until now.  This basket is the most valuable thing I carry, because  there was meaning I attached, to everything I collected from the moment I packed them away, even if today I can’t distinguish the times I might have created meaning only for meaning’s sake back then.

 This shoreline is my identity; where I’ve come from and where I stay, my lens – the place from which I’ve seen the world and understood and processed my experiences filtered by my emotions.  The shoreline is where I’ve kept myself fenced in and protected from the mystery and unknown waters before me.  Sometimes, I might wade out and let the water cool and intrigue me, but I never venture too far out.  I’d sooner dig my feet or bury my legs in the hot sand of my narratives, cycles and learned responses less I feel vulnerable, afraid or exposed – I keep my soft belly hidden and allow the sun to tan my back instead.  Every so often, I might wander down the beach and seek other likeminded or like spirited people who will reinform and reinforce the stories that I tell, who will nod, cry and collude as I tell them I have it all figured out; after all, there is strength in numbers, and if enough of us can believe, then we will all feel better believing.  

 In the past, I’ve tested myself and stepped further out into the water. Except when I’ve felt the water rising to my hips, with short breaths and a heightened sense of anxiety, I’ve quickly turned back to focus on the shoreline; the losses and disappointments I often revisit – the sorrow, the longing, the dreams, the escape and wishful thinking I feel more at home in, than the unknown in front of me.  Why is it easier to fix my sights on things seen and known, than close my eyes and imagine the mystery of magic and miracles.  But this time is different – the water is calling and intuitively I wonder if I am starting to outgrow this shoreline.  

 So I step out into the water, curious and nervous – but willing this time.

 I step into the waters and keep moving forward, small step by step and feel the water level rising up my body. 

I keep moving forward, small step by step until I am barely on my tippy toes with the water cradling my raised chin barely above the soft movement of the waves.

Here I am suspended on the cusp of old and new.  Old would be wading back, swimming back, running back – going back to what I know – new is not.  

While I wait, on this edge, I sense some unfamiliar safety – I feel the water holding me and gently rocking me…and without thought or conscious choice, I just let go – my toes don’t touch the bottom anymore, and instead of lost or drowning, I am floating upright and free.

I close my eyes as the waves continue to hold and gently rock me.  The mystery of this unknown feels safe and abundant – it feels limitless; and my hard edges melt and dissolve into the grandness cradling me and I can’t even tell where I end and it begins.  I feel light, wide open and trust it all.  It ironically, feels more like home to me.

Freeing ourselves from attachments is the willingness to believe there is potential and truth beyond them.  Freeing ourselves from our attachments is questioning them and not wholly trusting their value or usefulness.  Freeing ourselves from our old attachments is finding open spaces away from the clutter and collection of our recycled thoughts, feelings and beliefs…leaving the shoreline for the water and being willing to do so, trust and let go…no preconceived notions, no fears, no old us…

There are many unknowns beyond my 45 years of knowing;  life after love, life after youth, life after death – life in unravelling myself from the identity and meaning of every story I’ve ever told and distance and peace from anything I’ve ever been blindly or fruitlessly  attached to – out there in the deep depths of the water is where all of these stories stop being mine, because I can’t lug my heavy basket out there and presume I’ll float and not sink…if only we are willing to keep moving forward, small step by step until the water picks us up and we actually let it. <3

So I’m Not Just F*ked Up?? WHEW!

I’ve always thought I was kinda f*cked up on some level.  (Is it weird to admit that publicly lol?? GULP)

Okay well let me clarify that, not terribly, but I always believed I had some level of emotional dysfunction that would express itself and distress itself in my relationships.  And I don’t just mean romantic relationships, in any of my relationships, whether it was professional, personal, family etc. I knew I’ve always had default ways of operating and reacting, ways that I’m not always so proud of, but ways that I couldn’t quite frame or understand, never mind change.  I might not always show what’s going on inside of me, but surely I always felt it.  My way of operating sorta just felt like my nature, even if they felt destructive, self sabotaging or counterintuitive – I would just chalk it up to it all just being my personality.  Maybe I’m just built with some weird dichotomy of peace/gratitude/love/connection and intuition that are woven together with some fabric of volatility, pessimism and recklessness.

My feelings would sometimes feel too big for me. I too often would take things too personally followed by an unnecessary expenditure of time and energy over analyzing and creating stories about my conflicts and interactions. Often times the stories that I would create would be heavy with self criticism,would include victims and villains and would all get away from me.  One minute I might be content in relationship while feeling doubtful the next.  Different people triggered me differently.  I know I can be super reasonable and practical if I’m not emotionally triggered, but once triggered, BYE BYE reason!  Generally, I carried an underline fear that would consistently and secretly remind me not to get too invested in people because they might fail or betray me.  So too often I awaited the endings of relationships once they began, like a skepticism I just couldn’t shake.  I’ve always believed this behaviour and way of operating felt dysfunctional but it was all so habitual that I could only chalk it up to me being inherently dysfunctional on some level. I feared abandonment the moment I became invested in someone, have always hated goodbyes and rejection; and would use control to mitigate my feelings of weakness and vulnerability.  Relationships, while feeling amazing on one hand could easily feel unsafe on the other.

I’ve never wanted to hide my crazy, I’ve always wanted to heal it. I’d always wonder how a “normal” and well adjusted person would have better handled some of my experiences with much less drama and personal commotion?   There are just parts of myself that I’ve always wished I could excise, undo and redo.

As I’ve aged I’ve worked through various outlets and tools trying to dig down and figure this dysfunction out.   Meditation to ground myself and temporarily table my dysfunction, prayer and the Bible to quell my dysfunction and strive for more ideal ways of responding to people, having my girlfriend who is studying astrology tell me about my nature and propensities based on my sign….masking or numbing with vices, or at times not giving a fak and just letting my wild run wild.  Nothing really unravelled or identified the truth of my ways of operating….until somebody introduced me to attachment styles.

Life is magical.  A girlfriend had mentioned reading a book on attachment styles weeks ago that had brought her a lot of clarity and understanding and though intrigued I hadn’t followed through on getting the book.  And then ironically, Jason sent me this attachment quiz weeks later, so out of the blue, echoing her same sentiments.  BOOM, magic.  In case anyone is interested:

I have a fearful avoidant attachment style. It was what I learnt at a young age that formed and informed my internal workings and responses to conflict and relationships. Typical of immigrant families, love felt based on performance, ran either hot or cold and felt conditional (and this is no slight to my parents who came to this country and worked hard to provide incredible life opportunities for us kids).  But this attachment style and why I adopted it described many of my responses to a tee – becoming bored with status quo and finding comfort almost uncomfortable; craving emotional connections but coating that craving with a fear of abandonment or betrayal. My in and out approach to commitments was fear based. Not always being able to communicate my needs, and instead testing people to see if they could meet them, or pouring out energy on those that I loved, not realizing I was doing so with the hope that it would be poured back without me just properly communicating what I most need.

Being able to identify this conditioning not only educates me on why I sometimes react the way that I do, but lets me know how I can properly address these responses and heal the places and beliefs that drive them. Things like self-regulating and not self-abandoning, being in tune with my emotional needs and providing for them in productive ways, developing consistency and congruency in my own life, re-establishing my own boundaries and integrity to rebuild my own sense of safety and trust. Aligning my intentions and words with my own actions and remaining steadfast, seeing them through and committing to them for my own self assurance and tenacity.  I always thought my flittiness was part of my carefree approach to some things, not realizing that my flittiness is actually fear based and self protective in nature.

So so interesting, enlightening and timely.  Life has such a funny way of providing the things we need when we most need them.  And this is me, I want to know it all.  While I am alive, I want to figure it all out.  I want to understand the purpose and significance of my life. I want to learn as much as I can learn and heal the things that I know need healing.  Above all I want to love, I feel like we are put here to love, fully, wholly and freely…if only we can cut off the baggage and conditioning that prevents us from loving so. <3

Ode to the Magic of Hitting Certain Sweet Spots

As I think and reflect back on past relationships and friendships, I muse at the diversity of connections I’ve made throughout the years.  I look back with wonder at the many “me’s” I’ve evolved through; and the short and long term relationships that have accompanied me along the way.  I smile at the rights, and grimace with resignation at my wrongs.  But as I grow older, wiser and attempt to step more and more wholly into myself, I begin to realize that though I’ve had many connections, there is a certain magic in hitting certain sweet spots.

0DAF0E75-6D2C-4615-9841-3AB53F5E3D1FIt really takes a special type of man to love me.  It takes certain eyes to be able to really see me, and a certain kind of heart to be soft hearted to me.  It takes a certain kind of patience to make space for me, and a certain type of communication style and open mindedness to be able to meet me in conversation.  It takes a certain type of capacity to allow me to work through my issues and allow me to butterfly and stretch around as I need to.  It takes a certain type of security to respect my privacy and delicate boundaries.  A certain type of selflessness to be on ready for our friends and family in need.  It takes a certain type of loyalty and respect that I never feel unchosen in a room full of people.  It takes a certain type of independence and self assurance that isn’t threatened when I peacock and doesn’t try and harness or stifle my energy.  It takes a certain kind of man with a certain type of free spirit that is always open to new ideas and adventures.  But most importantly, it takes a certain type of man, offering a certain type of unconditional love that hasn’t fucked me up more, but has helped me to heal, blossom and grow instead.  Where I am at in my journey is truly a testament to who I have been supported by.  It’s easy day to day to take this for granted and forget how special it truly is. Thank God for J.

The same goes for friendships…it takes a special kind of magic to land us in the right places at the right times to connect with the right people.

I thought I had stopped believing in soul mates a million years ago.  We were messy human beings when we met and fell in love.  We weren’t put together and it sure wasn’t a fairytale.  It hasn’t been easy, and we’ve been through our share of ups, downs and sideways.  But despite the messiness, it’s so crazy to sit back and really reflect on these “certain kind of qualities” that J has, that has taken me and our relationship miles; I wouldn’t have known way back when what we would and could become.  I’m definitely not always deserving of such grace and wonder, but that’s the beauty of magic – it’s unexplainable; magical.

Because the truth is, any of us could be with or befriend anyone. Relationships and friendships are choices we make. I probably have the capacity on some level to make it work with anyone; befriend anyone and be close to anyone.  But all of the twisting and turning I would do to accommodate just anyone, would come with a lot of expense…a lot of inauthenticity, a lot of bending or breaking, not feeling good enough, feeling insecure or devalued or not feeling known or understood.  It’s very interesting how different people, and different styles can impact me; either, settle and nurture or trigger and spin out this one little ol me.  Anything can fit, but not everything is safe, and not everyone will serve or preserve our highest good; that’s a bitter pill to swallow sometimes, but it’s part of the process of trusting life and choosing all of our relationships and connections wisely.

So today I am glad for the magic that happens bringing extraordinary love and connection to my very ordinary days…there is nothing better than resting in these sweet spots. <3

Tenderize Your Pain

I’ve recently picked up Meditation again. 

These times still feel strange – sort of closer to normal but definitely not quite normal yet.  These days are wearing.  Continuing to navigate through this drawn out period of polarization, division, seclusion, isolation, fear and restrictions certainly takes a toll on each of us in some way.  

A girlfriend of mine had previously directed me to the Insight Timer App which has a lot of great beginner level meditation lessons…I found a teacher, Sarah Blondin, whose poetic style really spoke to me.   Recently, I practiced one of her meditations wherein she coined the phrase, “tenderize your pain” and that spoke volumes to me and really had me examining the things I keep bundled up inside.

Tenderize your pain.

Don’t let it harden you.

Don’t let it create ridges between your dreams and experiences.

Don’t let it create breaks between your past and present.

Don’t let pain compartmentalize or divide your heart.

Don’t let it crystalize gaps between who you are and how you are.

Don’t resist it, don’t control it, don’t stop it, don’t run from it, don’t medicate or numb it.

Tenderize your pain.

Soften it, until it becomes malleable.

Soothe it, until it stops crying out.

Accept it so it doesn’t rage against you.

Let it breathe and float to the surface so it doesn’t bury itself within you.

Tend to it until it loosens, softens, and melts right off of you and away from you.


Pick at it, prod at it and examine it.

Look at it, acknowledge it and sit with it.

Most of all, be okay with not being okay.

Recognize that pain is simply a call back to loving yourself.

Know that at the root of any experience of pain is a reminder for us to go back to ourselves for our true source of love, healing and wholeness.

Know that pain is part of the shared human condition and experience, that no one is exempt from its experience, but remember, it is temporary.

Pain will shift as our lens shifts, it will move as our focus moves and it will decrease as our awareness and space from it increases.

Pain can be a gift.

Pain reroutes us.

Pain makes us recreate, rebirth, reevaluate, remove and reinvest in ourselves when it causes us to pivot back to ourselves.

What is it teaching you? Why is it here? What can you do?

Tenderize your pain so that your spirit and your heart stay tender, and in staying tender you will remain in love… <3


And I said it didn’t feel very “Christmasey” this year….but Emmanuel

My husband and I spent a much needed week in Huatulco and got back about a week ago. I had left all of our Christmas stuff (decorating and shopping) undone, to be accomplished when we got back.  Of course, things have felt like a whirlwind since getting back, and nothing has been wrapped, written or decorated.  It almost doesn’t feel worth it to try and catch up now. It’s been a tough year, and I know I’m not alone in this numb unChristmasey feeling this year.

As human beings, I know we start with the best of intentions.  We plan, make goals, and promises – we commit, we hope, we strive and we try to be good.  We scrape down our callouses and promise ourselves we will reset.  But we are human, flawed, imperfect and sinful.  And as much as we try to come from that good place, we act and operate from our dysfunctions.  And maybe that’s what we miss when we plan or set out our New Years resolutions.  We try and compartmentalize our good from our bad; as if they aren’t inherently intertwined together within us, making us exactly who we are…as if these parts of us don’t affect or infect each other.  So we keep cycling.  We keep picking ourselves up with new promises; tumbling down and getting back up…in such desperate need of a saving grace, asking for meaning and purpose to this circle of humanness we can’t free ourselves from…but then one night, a child was born, and they called him Emmanuel “God is with us”.  With Him came this promise that we wouldn’t be alone in our humanness, and none of our dysfunctions nor any of our promises would destroy or master us, because He would be greater than them all. He would come into our humanness and leave as our Saviour.

Until this very moment, I said I wasn’t feeling very Christmasey.  That it’s been a tough year, and I miss my Mom, that I’m upset and angry with life and feeling a little soul sick…but You come and remind me, this time isn’t about any feeling of Christmas, it’s the truth…and You call me to surrender all of these things: my intentions, my promises, my dysfunctions and feelings to the real truth of Christmas.  He is now with us.  Our tree isn’t up, the gifts aren’t wrapped nor our cards written…but what greater gift than this to go deeper than my humanness and save my soul sickness…that’s Hope…that’s Emmanuel.  <3

Conscious (un)-Coupling

I remember when Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin were breaking up, the term “conscious uncoupling” came to light.  Conscious Uncoupling is as it sounds; a very intentional separation, a parting amicably if you will…which is interesting to me.  The concept of intentionality, purpose and care in detangling lives is definitely a far cry from my own experiences of break ups.  I’m more familiar with haphazard and abrupt endings.  But the respect and smoother transition that could come from more of a slower and thoughtful deconstruction of a relationship sounds easier and way healthier.

Last month, my husband Jason had gone to India by himself to take care of some outstanding family matters back home. Initially, I dreaded him leaving.  I dreaded being alone after becoming so accustomed to our normal (seemingly codependent!) everyday life together.  What would his absence look and feel like?  Our daily rhythm is full of shared time together – lots of morning coffees, workouts, walks, dinners together – pink and blue jobs where we divvy up household chores – we wake and sleep together…this daily rhythm is how we know each other, how we relate to each other and live together – in essence, this rhythm is how we love each other.  What would it look like I wondered to be alone?  It had been years since I had been alone, and quite frankly, I’m usually a scaredy cat on my own. (sigh)

Well despite bawling the entire way home from the airport after dropping him off – the days that followed turned out to be a HUGE SURPRISE!  What I thought would be lonely time, actually turned into beautiful time alone.  Unexpectedly, I slept well, I ate well, I relished in the alone time to journal or contentedly putz around the house.  I freely met with friends – but most of all, I had an energy that was reminiscent of my younger years (never mind eating like a teenager again by opting for cereal or oatmeal for dinners).  I felt a renewed sense of self, freedom and energy in a way I hadn’t experienced in a long time.  All of this time, I had assumed that my usual tiredness, lethargy and over eating was all just a natural product of aging.  But wow, it was pretty surreal to unexpectedly come alive again in a way I didn’t see coming AT ALL.  From 44 to 22 overnight.  It was magical.  Weird, because there was a time when I was in my twenties and thirties that I loathed being alone – silly girl.

Why was it so magical? Being alone was the immediate absence of any external stresses or pressures. There was no energy I was sitting with, other than my own.  It allowed me time to really check in with myself, in a way, I’m not normally attune to.  I was able to gauge where I’m really at, and I liked it all! I liked where I was at, what I was doing, how I was being and who I’ve become.  It was probably the first time in a long time that my own company felt like enough…it felt pretty complete.

So what does this all mean now that Jason is back home?

Now before people start to read into my marriage and begin to wonder if this post ends in an Conscious Uncoupling type of situation – rest assured it doesn’t.  The opposite is actually true, the need for conscious coupling.

It means that in our daily rhythm, we failed to continue evaluating and bettering our marriage and our life together by failing to take care of ourselves first too.  We forgot to keep track of ourselves as individuals before pouring into that rhythm of “us”.  At some point in our relationship, probably early on, between our shared responsibilities, we somehow assumed or absorbed so much of each other that we let go of ourselves in the process.  Maybe that’s what happens when people come together, but is that really the best and healthiest way to last?

Our partnership has been more than just supporting each other. Somewhere down the road, our edges blurred, we melded together and started to own and take on each other’s stuff.  Investing in “us” and wanting “us” to succeed and the different ways we approach that meant some level of conforming to each other’s expectations and standards.  Conforming until we found “middle ground”, until we found some workable and happy medium, ie) our daily rhythm that seemingly felt natural as far as “we” are both concerned, but maybe not so natural to us as individuals in this coupling that we have since LONG lost sight of anyway.

Daily rhythms are sneaky – they feel normal and “easy” because we become so accustomed to them – but what a grind they can be!  Stress, perfectionism, unbalanced roles, high expectations, performance, management, constantly consulting or seeking approval…all of these things can unknowingly creep into our daily activities with just minor discomforts at first.  I’m talking about that adrenaline first thing in the morning while we try and fight traffic to get to work on time, the stress that sits as tightness between our shoulder blades, that edge in our tones when we have to remind someone to do something we thought they would have already done, that tiredness and impatience in having to manage yet another task that could have been handled by the other without direction or consultation…all the while not realizing how unnecessarily attached we are becoming to what each other’s stuff is supposed to look like – having opinions when we wouldn’t have cared before. It’s this entanglement of unconscious coupling I am talking about, haphazard ways of being together and staying together without any real critical examination of what actually works and what doesn’t anymore.

Almost eleven years later, of course we aren’t the same exact human beings we were when we came into this partnership, so how have we not adjusted our roles and daily rhythms accordingly?  Well, it’s kinda my fault.  For majority of our relationship, I’ve been a bit of a control monster, stupidly convinced that there is the “right” way of doing things; and then the way Jason does things…(gulp).  While I was alone, without much to control but my cereal intake lol, I recognized how much energy I expend unnecessarily attached to things being done a certain way, looking a certain way or turning out a certain way.  It wasn’t until I was alone that I realized that seriously – DO I ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT ALL OF THESE THINGS??   Not really.  I’ve spent so much time caring, planning and pouring out that was the reason I was in energy expenditure overload and J’s absence helped me realize that.

So what’s the solution? Conscious coupling with an eye on ourselves first.  I recognize our need to create new normals, to create more space in our everyday for ourselves – to allow for more independence and freedom in expressing ourselves, being ourselves and not losing ourselves while we are together.  Then coming together from that place.  It’s hard to change such engrained and default ways of engaging in “us”; but the goal in reaching forever isn’t about just getting there, it’s about getting there being happy, content, energized, whole and intact together. <3


Spiritual Warfare – Living with a Spirit of (Middle Age) Fear

Life is a gift in some ways, joyous and full of beautiful surprises…but life can also be tragic and full of too many finalities and loss.  As I get older, I realize that I live somewhere in that tension between gratitude and agony; because I know better than not to.  I’ve learnt that life has these two polarized sides of complete joy and hell; and if I don’t stay on ready, I could be blindsided.  To me, this is a condition of middle age, this constant fear making me stay guarded.  Being “on ready” isn’t just awareness, it’s a state of mind/body/soul, it’s a tension that the back of my shoulders know well, a restlessness that interrupts my once full night sleeps, and a sort of resistance that tempers my once wildly open heart.

I don’t feel limitless anymore. But having said that, I don’t feel as powerless as I use to.  I’m somewhere in between.  Maybe that is the irony of age.  When I was younger I felt limitless but believed I was powerless (whether it was lack of freedom, lack of resources, lack of capacity or lack of knowledge) – but now throughout my life, as I’ve aged, I’ve collected those things I once lacked and lost the things I once had…my wallet and schedule are full, but surely my dreams are much smaller.

I’ve heard people talk about midlife malaise.  I know some people experience that as a feeling of tiredness, defeat, or helplessness – while others mark this time with outrageous attempts to counter these feelings with a red convertible or young girlfriend to revive old bones.

For me though, midlife malaise can be best described as a kind of grief.  Grieving the things I once had and know I will no longer have or hold again.  You know grieving tangible things like my parents, or the good ol’ days of having my sister a drive away – or grieving intangible things like youthfulness and innocence.  As you get older, you learn how very little control you actually have over anything, how vulnerable we actually are to the different conditions of life and how  by our forties, we end up so far from where we began.

For me, midlife malaise is exactly this, being so far away from where I began, from home– and I don’t mean home as like a physical place.  I mean home as in that space in our souls that houses exactly who we are – being home was that time when I knew myself and experienced myself freely and authentically.  Well before my experiences perverted and changed my understanding of myself and the world.

Home for me, had once felt like safety and hope – an idealistic perception that things always worked out exactly as they were meant to and that love conquered all things.  Home, for me, was a taken for granted security in knowing who I was, what I loved and where I belonged.

But sure, life happens and the way we process those events, what they mean to us and how we digest them changes everything. Best case scenario is we grow, but really, who at a young age really understands and has the tools to properly process life, change and loss?  So instead of building, the experiences are diminishing.  That once taken for granted security and wholeness becomes super thin, fragmented and compartmentalized.  My coping mechanism and response to change or loss was to flee.  I found loss so devastating when I was emotionally immature, that when change or loss would come calling again throughout my life, I would run the other way.  I would barely pack and quickly bolt and seek refuge in other safe houses/friends/relationships/jobs/family members.  As a more sane and emotionally mature adult, I look back and can see how my patterns and default reactions to loss have morphed – I might run or I might snap into survival mode – I might try and be in control, control the narrative, or if I wasn’t in control douse the issue with gas and start a bonfire – I’d make the loss justifiable, or appear, even if only to myself, like I chose it or was better off for it… But if all that failed, I would run, pack my bags and flee again – replant elsewhere or wander until I could find a place to rest.

And this all has somewhat worked for me throughout my life – until last year.  And it’s funny how orchestrated life can be when we look back; the string of events that happened in such a way that brought a very particular outcome and understanding – a meant to be’ish kinda thing.

Recently a girlfriend off the cuff mentioned how “resistant” I can be to things…and that resonated with me at the time, even though I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.  What was I resistant to?

Resistance for me, and the way it shows up in my life – is being wishy washy- sorta in, sorta out – I sorta love people then I sorta don’t –  non committal – lack of diving in – lots of maybes and kind ofs, lack of allowing people into my depths, or engage too much – instead I straddle the lines – spread my eggs amoungst different baskets – options, versatility, outs…resistance for me then isn’t actually resistance, it’s more of keeping a safe distance – self protecting by staying on the fray of things. (and don’t get me wrong, of course there are people who have mined their way through my barriers to really connect with me but those are the exception not the rule).

I wasn’t really aware of this resistance or keeping a safe distance until I lost my Mom last year.  Even though I don’t realize I’m choosing it, I see where I shut down, how I try and flee and how hard it is for me to let people into it.  To date, following her funeral, I have not yet been back to the grave site.   Even though I wouldn’t look at why I wasn’t going back,  I know, deep down inside, is that belief, that the loss will be something I won’t be able to cope with because intuitively I know that my usual antics of dealing with loss won’t work in that moment of seeing her precious name etched onto a head stone…where could I possibly run, what home could I even attempt to recreate or seek refuge in that could shelter me from her absence? Even still, I know I am getting tired of running.

The spiritual condition of my forties is the grief I feel in knowing that I have unknowingly travelled a long way from my home.  But throughout this last year and through my Mom’s death, I recognize how I long to reclaim that sense of home again.  I will know that feeling of familiarity, comfort, security, hope and peace within myself because I knew it so intimately before – I will recognize the old pictures I once hung and will dust off those treasured valuables again – midlife for me isn’t going to be malaise – midlife for me is going to be spiritual warfare – battling against living in this spirit of fear I’ve grown so accustomed to and revisiting the way I’ve dealt with loss throughout my life and what loss actually means.  I will deconstruct it all.

Loss devastated me a million years ago, and since then, I believed it always would.  But then my Mom taught me better with her death.  Truthfully, I would experience losing her a thousand times if it meant experiencing the richness of her relationship a thousand times.  No wonder cliches like “it’s better to have loved and lost than to not have loved at all” exist.  I’m obviously not reinventing the wheel, but for the first time I really get it.  The love and joy I felt for my Mom is like nothing I could have ever manufactured or imagined.  My life was richer because of my Mom, and because of her life, her example and her sickness, I honestly became a better version of myself without my own construct or doing – she happened to me and bettered me…and though I lost her, I can’t deny how impacted I am by her in such positive ways.  How crazy is it, that even though “loss” sounds like loss, it can actually provide our greatest gains?  Maybe my lesson is not to fear loss or live in this spirit of fear but to trust life and God instead.  We never stop learning.  What seems definable and plain can take on such new meaning when we readjust the way we look at it, and thank God for the things that hone our eyesight or shift our lens.  I guess such is the mystery, irony and beauty of life whatever age we are at. <3

A Good Kind of PTSD

Collage of Mom Mom's Funeral

That night you left will forever be etched into my mind.
That feeling of deep loss will always be indescribable.
I can’t focus on it too long because I’m scared the reality of your loss might be unbearable too.

But I wonder, where did you go?
Did you know you were leaving? Could you hear us that last night?
Was it peace that allowed you to take that last breath and slip away?

What do we do when our loved ones leave?
Life is supposed to just go on they say.
We should be able to adjust.
God won’t give you more than you can handle, they say.

I really miss your presence.
Your absence is greater than the sum of all of our parts.
I miss the way you completed our family,
the way you filled that fourth chair at our dinner table on Wednesdays.
I miss the comfort and taken for granted security I had in knowing;
I was yours and you were mine.

I love the example of your life.
I love the way you found deep joy and purpose in the home you created.
I admire the peace and comfort you found in being at home, and find myself feeling that same way.
I love the way you decorated your life with the things you cherished the most.
And that too reminds me to do the same.

I miss the way you loved and supported me.
Who will care for me the way that you did?
Who will call me the way that you did?
Who will light up for me the way that you did?

But still, life is supposed to go on.
I should be able to adjust,
without your smile and without your warmth.
Strange that I can barely remember anything we fought about.
I barely remember your short comings.
Your humanity is what stays anchored deep down inside of me.
My mind understands it was time. I can rationalize that “why’.
I too wouldn’t want to suffer the way that you were.
But honestly, I just wasn’t ready for you to slip away.
and had you asked, I would have asked you to stay, preferably forever.

Thank God, that even though I sit here in loss, regret or words left unsaid don’t sit with me or crowd me.
There is a lot of space here for me to breathe and grieve.
Between us, it felt complete.
Because of you, I will live better, and want to mirror your charity and humanity.

I will try to pour love into those places dry and thirsty since you left.

Maybe at the end of life, all that matters is what we’ve done and who we’ve loved.
Maybe we are only judged by our own actions and deeds.
We are remembered for the imprints we leave.
So if that is the lesson, wherever you are, bloom where you are planted.
If you are a daughter, be the best daughter you can be.
Be the best wife, the best student, the best teacher, the best friend.
Be the best you can be to all of those around you,
Leave them imprinted, like you did me.
After experiencing your loss, I know there is nothing I can do BUT honour your life and legacy by honouring your life with mine.
It’s the only way I can keep you still close to me, since you’ve gone so far away.
Let me be judged by my actions and deeds.
Let me live intentionally and purposefully.
Let everyone know that I am who I am, and do all that I do because of a mother’s love…
My Mother’s Love.

<3 rest in peace my beloved.

Your Alzheimer’s and the Gift of Grace

It’s crazy how terrible your diagnosis initially was and it’s been terrible to see what it is doing to you….but in some ways, it’s crazy how much of a gift it has turned out to be too.

From where I am standing, your Alzheimer’s healed the brokenness in our relationship and has made it feel whole again. Finally, after years of you sacrificing for me, I was able to pour back into you.  Alzheimer’s made you vulnerable in a way I don’t think  I would have otherwise known or ever seen.  It chipped away at your high wall of accumulated stuff – the cynicism, the bitterness, those hard edges, and piece by piece gave you back a childlike innocence I bet you didn’t think you’d ever feel again.  Your Alzheimer’s pruned off some deep rooted branches of resentment.  It has protected you and covered you from the sting of some past memories best forgotten.  Instead, you wake to each moment light and present.  Your graciousness, your kindness, your innocence…the way your eyes light up when I see you, humbles me and touches me in ways I will forever be grateful for.

You almost seem content in your stillness and space now….unburdened almost.  You finally put down that heavy load you’ve carried for as long as I can remember.  That powerhouse workhorse you had always been….from working those night shifts only to come home and work tirelessly for us.  You seemed weary so long ago but you always forced yourself up and powered through.  Alzheimer’s made you finally rest.

It’s funny, how even in the worst situations, Grace always finds us…I am scared shitless of what is to come and where we will go, and it breaks my heart to accept our best days are behind us… but tonight and in these past months I’m coming to learn that having our hearts broken can create space inside of ourselves to feel and experience love in ways we would never have otherwise felt…I guess that’s the irony and beauty of Grace…the Gift of Grace.

I love you Mom. <3



Our “Dirty Little Secret”

A few years ago, a friend of mine that I met through our small group prayed for me. I don’t remember her exact words but the essence of her prayer was that I would experience the role of mothering in my life despite us not having our own children. I  remember that prayer touching me and providing me with renewed hope that yes, there could be unconventional opportunities in my life for me to care for, provide for or extend my maternal instincts …and it would be those opportunities I would seek and embrace….oh the mysteriousness of life, God and prayer….the last thing I ever expected was the way in which this prayer comes full circle now. The last thing I expected was becoming a mother to my mother.

My mom was diagnosed with Alzheimers a couple of years ago. Deep breath.  There, I’ve said it.  Our ‘dirty little secret’. Culturally, outside of my own friends and family, we don’t ever share the not so pretty part of our lives.  We don’t talk about our illnesses or our weaknesses.   Instead we pretend,  despite seeing people diminish around us, that everyone is coping and managing just fine. It’s a ruse….like the new generation complaint that social media is just the highlight reel of people’s lives….maybe malayalees were the original creators of the ‘highlight reel’ notion….hiding realities behind veiled excuses like “oh she’s not feeling well” or “he’s still sleeping”. It’s okay for us to swap stories of back aches or knee replacements but heaven forbid we share the burden of real painful experiences like living through mental health issues, diminished capacity or depression. But I truly believe the things we suppress or repress only make us sicker. Maybe there is healing in pulling off the bandaid and letting these experiences breathe.

What did her diagnosis mean for us?  Well, outside of creating a lot of fear around the unknown future, admittedly, it finally characterized some of her behaviours in a more understandable and digestible way…the label finally gave a name, a connecting of the dots like oooooohhhhhh THAT’S why she was saying that or doing this.  But the downside to labelling?  Well it’s like any label really, like divorce or death…once we call a fish a fish, we stop believing it will fly.

This season of life is terrifying, is exhausting, is humbling and challenging.  The irony is the rollercoaster isn’t always about my Mom.  It has been blindsiding to experience the different ways each of us process her changes and transitions, and the way our different responses and personalities collide into each other and combust.  But sure, we each have our own mental and physical capacities to see these changes, accept them, impact them and move forward with them.  Although it would make life so much easier if we could all walk at the same pace; that’s just not the reality of this experience.  So I guess, it is what it is, and the most we can do, is just what we’re able to.  Outwardly, “the most we can do” will look so different from one to another so I guess the leap of faith is not relying on appearances and trusting each other’s insides instead.

In many ways it’s an honour to care for my Mom reminiscently in ways she cared for me as a child. I was deeply touched to see her finally trust me with her vulnerabilities and come to rely on me to fill in her gaps of capacity.  But in other ways it’s crumbling to witness and participate in this role reversal. Alzeimers feels like quick sand; like the more I want to artificially create and manage life for her, the deeper she sinks into losing her own motivation or will to thrive….and the soul battle is seeking meaning in this meaningless toil.  But the trick to survival seems like doing more and feeling less, because the “feeling” or analyzing might be another deep pit of quicksand I can’t afford to get stuck in.  But of course there is a danger in doing too much and feeling too less because the things we suppress or repress only make us sicker….another full circle…so I guess what I will try to keep doing, is pulling off the bandaids, and letting these experiences breathe as I move through them. <3

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